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13 reasons why being a single gal is vastly underrated

It’s not all about cats, you know.

LIKE EVERYTHING, BEING single has its pros and cons.

But in some ways, the pros far outweigh the cons…

1. You don’t need to wait to watch your favourite TV show

giphy (7) Source: Popsugar

You can watch nine episodes of Game of Thrones in one go, if you like. There’s nobody begging you not to watch an episode without them.

You’re answerable to nobody.

2. You can indulge in garlic cheese chips without feeling self-conscious about your breath

Garlic-Cheese-Fries Source: Supermac's

*exhales garlic fumes so potent it could knock a horse*

3. And you don’t have to share your food with anybody

mine Source: The Pizza Review/Flickr

No more offering bits of your meal to someone and feeling resentful when they actually take you up on your offer.

4. Shaving your legs doesn’t need to rank that highly on your list of priorities

And that’s good because shaving your legs is the worst.

5. You have zero texting obligations

And you know what that means? No texting-related anxiety.

Win win.

6. You can shift whoever you damned well please

giphy (8) Source: s7eep/Tumblr

You’re completely free to shift and drift – who’s going to stop you?

7. You don’t have to worry about buying birthday or Christmas presents for a significant other

giphy (9) Source: gifhell

No panicked shopping on December 23rd wondering if he/she would like a Nespresso machine or whatever.

8. You can starfish in a double bed to your heart’s content

giphy (10) Source: tommyknockers/Tumblr


9. What’s more, you don’t need to contend with blanket hoggers

tumblr_n6vf6wMj4B1slhwslo2_r1_250 Source: Ruined Childhood

Whether you wrap yourself up like a burrito or kick it off, the duvet is yours and yours alone, meaning there’s nobody to yank it from you unexpectedly in the middle of the night.


10. You only have your own parents to worry about

Daria_parents Source: Heroes/Wikia

Putting on your best face for in-laws and all the stress that comes with it? Nope, no thanks. You already have your own parents to deal with and that’s quite enough, thank you very much.

11. You can be vocal about each and every one of your crushes without fear of someone getting offended

giphy (12) Source: fancyloverr/Tumblr

*declares love for Jamie Dornan on all social media accounts*

12. You don’t need to maintain a ladylike facade for anyone

Let your inner slob run free.

13. You can be completely and utterly selfish

giphy (11) Source: Giphy

Want to go on holidays? Go!

Fancy a midweek night out? Nobody’s going to stop you.

You can do whatever you like and you don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules or breaking plans. You’re living a guilt-free existence, baby. Own it.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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